Crew onboard in 1961 prior to Fastnet
Norman Clausen May 07, 2020
Crew aboard when sailing Stormvogel from a refit at Zaandam to Cowes where we sailed in Cowes week prior to the Fastnet race. Right to left in the front row; Sir Francis Chichester, Nan, Bruinzeel, Gordon Web, van der Stadt, in the hatchway Mike Puttergil. Next row from Left: Anthony Ribbink, Myself-Norman Clausen, Hans (friend of Bruinzeel), Back row from left: Stephen Flesh, Mike Trimming, William Combrink, Kirby ( looking through), Hans Beele, our engineer is next ( name escapes me.) Don’t know who is behind Anthony Ribbink ( think he was a friend of CB’s friend Hans)