Welcome to the Stormvogel web site which has been developed for those who wish to know more about this extraordinary yacht, her past glories and her future goals.
We also invite people involved in Stormvogels’ past to rejoin the Stormvogel network. We have an interactive Log Book where people with a relationship to Stormvogel can sign in as a member and record their experiences with Stormvogel.
Write your stories, add any photos you may have, and join us as we develop the historical records of Stormvogel.

We are in the trade winds, nearly from astern, blowing 15-20 knots, in the squalls up to 30 knots, great sailing! Down a big sea Stormvogel starts planning. The speedometer goes up from 10-12 knots to 14, 16, twice even to 18 knots. The boys cry with excitement Go-go-go
Cornelius Bruynzeel, Transpac Race 1967